USDA Foods
Please see the links below to get the latest information about USDA Foods in Vermont including an update from the VT USDA Foods Advisory Group, An Infographic entitled "What Happens After Your School Order is Placed" and a Sharing Spreadsheet for schools to list product they would like to share before the end of school year 2023.
USDA Foods in Vermont: A Quick Guide
USDA Foods Advisory Group UPDATE - March 2023
Infographic: "What Happens After Your School Order is Placed"

Training & Professional Development
For staff training and Professional Development, the Institute for Child Nutrition (ICN) is the go to resource for School Nutrition Staff. Check out the wide variety of classes available on-line. To access training, you must create an account on the site so your training progress and certificate can be saved.
CLICK THIS LINK FOR the Institute for Child Nutrition (ICN) Website:
Another great resource for staff training is Project Bread. This website has some culinary training videos that are quick and helpful.
CLICK THIS LINK FOR Project Bread Website